Lithium 2012!

Mudra Mukula! >:)
You owe me one. =))

HAHA. Lithium! ♥

Requirements & Announcements


Name: Nobody, Nobody But You! (Karaoke Booth)
Description: The booth will be a singing-showdown catcher booth. Sort of American Idol style with 3 judges (can be less), and 2 captured "contestants" who will sing a song picked by the judges. The judges will score the contestants on their singing (be impartial please, judges) and the contestant with a higher score goes free. The loser shall get flushed (dumped on with water), or he can ask for another chance against a different contestant. If he loses again, he gets a worse punishment (flour with water).
Size/Area: Somewhere with a plug for speakers. But near-ish the oval since basaaan.
Materials: 2-3 microphones, speakers, buckets, laptop, FLOUR.
Budget: We will try to borrow from the class to minimize money loss.
Pricing: Contestants can pay P50 to bail from singing. (AFTER SINGING, BAIL IS STILL ALLOWED. BUT IS RAISED TO P100. )
People in the audience can pay P20 to request a song for the contestants to sing.
People can request catches for P50.
Promotion: we have posters na! (c/o bianchi)

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