Lithium 2012!
Requirements & Announcements
MAJOR REQUIREMENTS:FILIPINO Poem draft (15 Nov)STR Presentations (whole week, by group - see previous post)ENGLISH Speech (whole week)SOC SCI Reader's Theater (17 Nov)MATH Long test (19 Nov)CHEM Lab report on Calorimetry (17 Nov)REQUIREMENTS FOR MONDAY (major & minor): CHEM Homework on thermochemistry (di ko 'to na-copy, sorry.)MATH 3H-5. Vance p.380#16-20. Prove the sine and cosine laws.WEB DEV Exercise due.FILIPINO Poem draftSTR Groups 1 & 9's presentationsNO CLASSES ON TUESDAY, YAY!JS Prom reply slips are due MONDAY. Sir Nat said na he'll give a NCR for each day na you won't submit. D:
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