Lithium 2012!

Mudra Mukula! >:)
You owe me one. =))

HAHA. Lithium! ♥

Requirements & Announcements

DODGEBALL (Tuesday AM) - from SA tumblr

Will be done simultaneously with the UFC. (if it doesn’t rain!)
1.       Houses will be lined on their end lines 20 feet apart.
2.       Each house is represented by 8 players, 2 from each batch (1 male and 1 female)
3.       The dodge ball will be positioned on the middle of the playing field (10 feet x 20 feet)
4.       On the sign of the umpire, the players will rush to the middle of the field  to get the balls.
5.       Once they have the balls, players need to retreat to their throwing lines (5 feet from the end line) where they can start hitting the players of the opposing team
6.       They can only throw behind their throwing lines; violation of this rule would result to ejection of the player from the field.
7.       Players hit by the balls result to automatic ejection from the field.
8.       Players who threw a caught ball will be ejected from the field.
9.       A player can go back the playing the playing field if their team is able to catch a thrown ball.
10.   If a player goes behind their end lines is also ejected from the playing field.
11.   A player can go beyond their throwing line but not beyond the center line to retrieve a ball.
12.   The team that has the most number of players after 8 minutes will be declared the winner.

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