Lithium 2012!

Requirements & Announcements
Hello Batch 2012,
We are looking for one representative per section to join the field trip to Makati Med (except for Rb, most of whom will be going) this Friday. They will be touring you around and giving a talk on ECG's (very appropriate for our discussion on the circulatory system). If you have a med-related STR topic or would like to become a doctor someday, this field trip will be very useful for you.
Please let me know if you want to come by sending me an email or a short message through 0915-5185031. Please include your name and your contact number. Make sure that your parents approve. Letters will be given tomorrow. This will be on a first-come-first-served basis.
Many thanks,
Ma'am Dawn
anybody want to volunteer? :))
oh and, guys who can buy the pig hearts nga pala, next week na yun diba? :